Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two Weeks Post-Op

Visible results makes Momma a happy girl! Davis started standing independently today! Woo Hoo!!! Proof that he's regaining strength!

See how Davis' knees turn inward when he moves in this video??? Well, I was encouraging him to take steps today and noticed this same knee-turning-in pattern; only in a much 'looser' fashion. I brought it up in therapy today and, after witnessing the same thing, his therapists explained to me why he does compensate for his weak hips. He's 'flinging' his legs forward to walk instead of using his hips to help him move. They decided it would be best if Davis didn't do any walking until we can get his hips really strong. We want him to slowly learn how to walk the 'right' way instead of quickly walk the wrong way.

And, Danielle, your wish is my command!


Elle said...

Woo Hoo Go Davis!!!!

So excited :)

Jennifer said...

Goooooo Davis!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't let Danielle bully you into making blog posts unless you want to! =) She does the same thing to me.
Glad to hear Davis is doing better post op! Little chub girl is looking cuter by the day!

Danielle said...

Sharon shut your mouth! teehee!

Gooooo Davis!

Love seeing little Reese.

Mandy Kirn said...

I vote for more videos!