Monday, July 13, 2009

My Big Boy And His Baby Steps!

Along with the skills Davis learned in Orlando, he's also developed this huge desire to stand and attempt walking...which is great because that means lots and lots of practicing! We knew all along that his lack of 'trying' was mostly based on being scared and not confident about it. With kids, everyone says '...they'll do it on their own time...when they're ready'. Well, he's soooo ready! Today, he stood up and took 7 whole steps!!! We're getting so close!!!

I've been doing the potty training thing since yesterday...every single's so exhausting! And he hasn't released one single drop in there! This has to be one of the top 10 hardest parental jobs!!!

I left a message with Davis' Neurologist asking that she write us a prescription for new braces and some canes. I'm hoping we can have those ordered by the end of the week. But maybe...just maybe...he won't even need the canes...I don't wanna jinx it thought :)

Tomorrow is our check-up with the GI doctor. Keep your fingers crossed that he's gained some weight so we can get that dang tube removed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go Davis, Go Davis! When they are ready there is NO stopping!

And Amen on the potty training. You should get paid to potty train your kids. lol. It is tiresome, but he will get it before you know it!

Crossing my fingers for the GI visit. I know it would be a huge blessing to remove the tube.