Friday, July 10, 2009

The End of The Trip

Davis and I finally made it home last night. I'm so happy to be back, but hate that the experience is over. Of course, I learned so many great things that will carry into our daily lives here at home. CE changed Davis' life and I can't wait to go back! It's probably the best thing we've done so far for his development...and it didn't involve any operations or medications - just a holistic approach to learning and mobility for children like my little man!

My Dad arrived in Orlando on Wednesday and, therefore, I was able to check-out of the ol' Mickey D's House. Our stay there was in and of itself a wonderful experience.

Heading towards the potty before class.
At our hotel on Wednesday night, Davis took his very first steps. They were motivated by (of all things) a diaper, which served as his makeshift football. Whatever it takes, right?!?

Enjoying some SweetTarts on the way home. What a face!!!

It was so exciting to get home and see Justin's face when he got to witness, first hand, his son standing and taking baby steps! It was like I was seeing it for the first time, too.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy...I am crying reading this... again what a lucky boy to have parents like you and Justin and his Pa and Uncle Brother. Love you guys T

Cheryl said...

Love you guys! Sooo proud of Davis and of YOU!!!
Miss you guys!!! Cheryl

Unknown said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I am SO beyond stoked for you guys and Davis! Such amazing accomplishments.

Danielle said...

Like everyone else I almost cried too!!! I am so happy for Davis, you and Justin.

Andrea said...

Thank you guys for the support! Best friends and family EVER!

Stacy said...

So happy to hear that the trip and experience was a success! I can't wait to see the progress first hand!