Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 3

Two therapists approached, introduced themselves, and lead us to the potty room. To start each day, I have to bring him in and encourage him to use the big boy potty. They will also incorporate 2 other attempts throughout the class. Davis, remembering the room from yesterday, kept asking for the 'pink soccer ball'. We said our 'goodbyes' and headed out. I was comforted to find other kids near Davis' disability level in the room. Once we were in the privacy of my car, I lost it. All of the 'firsts' seems to be so difficult for me. Justin said, "Just be thankful that Davis is doing as great as he is." That pretty much shut me up. I've never been in a room with a bunch of kids and realized that mine is the most advanced.

Next, I dropped Justin off at the airport. I felt so lonely and homesick as soon as I got back in my car. Doing all this alone is going to be so hard.

When I met Davis in the waiting room at 2:30 and asked him if he was ready to go home, he said, "NO! No go home." Ok. Sooo...you're saying you enjoyed yourself? I'm glad one of us is havin' a ball. The therapist said he did really well and had a lot of fun. And...a 3 hour nap followed.

I took Davis to the playroom at the house for a couple hours and, of course, he clung to the Thomas the Train set the entire time.


Lindsey R. said...

I'm so glad you are posting about your trip. I was wondering how things were going. It sounds like a wonderful and challenging place for Davis.

Firsts are always hard and I would have totally lost it too. *hugs* Hopefully D will be on his best behavior and things won't be too much of a challenge with Justin gone. Can't wait to hear how the rest of the week goes!

Uplifting Ursula said...

I am glad you are so honest when writing about your experience! I think one day you will look back and be amazed at how you, Davis & Justin have overcome all of these challenges.