Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Davis did very well at Aquatics yesterday. I got to see him walk all by himself up and down the handicap ramp for, like, 20 minutes! He's steadily making strides towards becoming an independent walker!

For our playdate yesterday morning, a girlfriend and I went to Kennesaw Mountain. Two miles up hill and 2 miles down. Forty minutes up and less than 20 down. About a gallon of sweat lost going up and a nice cool breeze on the way down. Pushing about 40 pounds worth of Davis and his stroller up and easily guiding it all down. Almost losing consciousness and completely unable to talk heading to the top and turning in Chatting Cathy and lovin' life while making our way back towards earth. My legs are killing me today.

I just finished reading If I Am Missing Or Dead by Janine Latus and Hope's Boy by Andrew Bridge. Both are memoirs about depressing crap...domestic abuse and our corrupt foster care system.

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