Monday, June 1, 2009

Fort Walton Beach Trip

We're finally home from our week long trip to Fort Walton Beach. This was definitely one of our favorite times down there. I think Davis is officially over his sand phobia! AND, with our combined forces (Captain Planet Style), Davis learned most of his numbers 1-10 and colors! This is, like 2 year old stuff, but I'm so proud of him! On a negitive note...kites are really hard to fly! My dad bought the most complicated one at the store and, after 5,000 cuss words out of Evan's mouth, Justin tripping over a group of girls' beach chairs, and me giving up after about 3 seconds, the kite got tossed.

Click on the link to the right to view the rest of our beach pictures! The 'beach chair and umbrella layer outers' approached us for some free advertising and let us take out a kayak one day!
We drove down to Pensacola and took Jay's boat out to catch some din-din. Justin caught 2 Red Fish and Evan caught a Sheephead. Justin blackened them and they were SOOOOO TASTY!

On Memorial Day, we drove over to Destin and hung out with a bunch of our friends at the beach.

Justin, Davis, and I went to the Gulfarium...Justin and I couldn't believe how close we got to the flesh-eating shark...Scary, huh?
Davis was so happy to see his big brother when we got back home!

And, as if we hadn't soaked up enough sun, we headed to the lake with some friends yesterday...Davis wasn't feeling it, though...


Mandy Kirn said...

That looked like a really fun trip! See I am a good friend and read your blog.

I call the next Florida trip...oh wait, we are going together next time! I can't wait!!

a.n. knits said...

Ok, you totally threw me off with the 'Amanda' name! Yay! Another reader! Love you more now!