Monday, February 23, 2009


I had to cancel Davis' therapies for today since he's STILL sick. We had a typical 'errand running' morning...
First up, Pediatritian's office. He has a double ear infection and sinus infection...Beat up.

Second, I decided to stop by Goodwill and see if they had any twin-sized beds for D's room. I'm strolling around the place wondering where the furniture is stored, turn the corner, hear the angels sing (I think there were harps playing as well), and there it was...a solid pine head and foot board for $25.00!!! Perfect!
Then, we head to BJ's, the grocery store, Lacey's drugstore.....
We went to a Reinhardt basketball game with Brother and his friends on Saturday night...
I've mentioned Davis' slight obsession with one of Ev's friends, Matt. That's him in the second row wearing the red hat.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a sweet little face in the last picture! Makes me wanna just squeeze him....hmphpmph(that is the noise that accompanies squeezing)