Monday, February 9, 2009

Justin's grandmother came to visit on Saturday and we all went to the park. I noticed that Davis wasn't using his right leg when I'd try to make him walk. He'd start off with his left leg and really struggle to bring his right leg forward. I silently freaked out. I called Davis' PT and she suggested that I soak him in warm water and stretch his legs to see if there's any pain anywhere. I did that and found nothing. In doing some research, I found out that during times of illness, bad weather, and growth spurts, CP kids will experience even more increased tone. So, maybe its all related to this cold he has right now. He's been using it a little more since then, but it's still something I'll need to keep an eye on.

I completely forgot that we switched OT and Speech to Monday mornings and was reminded by a message from Comprehensive Therapy at 8:10...Um, Andrea. Give us a call as soon as you can..." Oops. I wouldn't have taken Davis in anyway because he needs to go back to the doctor, but still...not a good way to start the week.

We visited GG and Jay last night for dinner. Davis loves it over there because he gets to play with Kitty and my Mom and Jay let him get into anything he wants to. I'm constantly like, "Davis get out of the cabinets. Davis put that vase down. Davis knives are not toys."...that last one was a bluff...And my Mom is like, "He's ok. He's not going to hurt anything. He can play with whatever he wants to here." Just a regular ol' Fun House.

Doc strolling in after a wild night...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Doc had a wild night. How come I wasn't invited!??!

Anonymous said...

I don't let him hang out with you. You're a bad influence on him.

Stacy said...

That Doc is one crazy cat...I mean dog! (insert audience laugh here)