Monday, February 16, 2009

I finally got the 'go ahead' to enroll Davis into the Older Two's class for next year (instead of the Younger Two's). So, he'll get to forge ahead with his B.F.F.'s from this year.

Thursday night, we watched Uncle Brother's basketball game at KSU. Ev's friend, Matt, is pretty much Davis' favorite person, so he kept shouting his name from the, while the entire gym was dead silent. There's a strange connection there.

Friday was Aunt Erin's birthday, so we celebrated with the Nunley's at Stevie B's Pizza buffet...Why does 'buffet' translate in my head to 'eat your body weight'?

We kept our Valentine's Day celebration at home with crab legs and shrimp, wine and beer, and The NBA All-Star contests. What's better? Thought so.

Sunday, my besties and I worked on our tennis skills...season starts in a month!!! And I am sooooo excited! Gooooo ____________ (insert team name here)!!!!!!!! I appreciate Justin so much for watching Davis while I'm out, but why do I always return home to find a tornado reenactment scene? Boys. That's why.

Davis had his first session with his new OT this morning. That went well.

I've been spending a lot of time filling out the 25 page form for 'real school' next year. They want to know EVERYTHING about him. How does he interact with his peers? How do you discipline him? Can he dress himself? How does he react to loud noises? What are your concerns? Goals? In what areas does he excel? And so on and so on and so on...I have to be really thorough because this is all part of what they'll use to determine what services and special attention he'll need next year. I would have never thought these would be things I'd experience in my life.

Davis has developed this really intense attitude. I swear, he makes this face at Justin and I that I probably couldn't do until I was a fifteen year old brat. It literally shocks us every time he does it. Accompanied with the 'face' is this ridiculous body thrust, arms swinging motion. I don't know where it came from because I'm certain Mickey doesn't treat Donald that way. It's completely unacceptable, but it's also another confirmation to Justin and I that he really is 'all there'.

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