Friday, February 20, 2009

Davis had his check-up with the GI doctor on Tuesday. He weighs 26 lbs and is 3 feet long! Tall, skinny boy! I'm pretty happy with his weight, since it's gone up 10 oz since November. That's pretty unheard of for him. Especially since he's been sick so much this winter. Thank God for the feeding tube!

He's in about the 7th percentile for weight if you go by his actual age (32 months) and in the 10th percentile if you go by his 'due date' age (29.5 months...which is what the doctors use). For height, he's just above the 10th percentile for his actual age and 50th percentile for his 'due date' age.

He did very well in Physical Therapy this morning. He walked all over the house with his little push toy.


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