Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kindergarten Lesson 2

Always give hugs before bailing out.

Davis is a complete creature of habit. Everything in his life has to be consistent. If he does something a certain way once, it has to be done that way every time after. No matter what.


  • He has to have water before bed. Normal, right? Well he also has to turn his Lightning McQueen drinking cup where Mater is facing his mouth before he can take a drink. Not normal, right?

  • Also, he has to be the one to lift the drain after his baths every night. Total meltdown ensues if one of us does it instead.

  • After brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth out, he HAS to tap the spit cup on the side of the sink three times. Very OCD, I know.

  • I could go on, but you get the idea.
Back to the lesson. I got side-tracked.

Davis gives me a hug and a sugar every morning before getting out of the car. This morning, though, hugs and sugars were not exchanged, resulting in a complete meltdown in the carpool line. I drove off (instead of making a sharp right into the first parking spot I saw and running to his aid with open arms) and could see him screaming, crying, and throwing himself on the curb through the rearview mirror. It killed me that I forgot the hug (for the second time this year, mind you), but I can't baby him, right?!?! It was so bad that my girlfriend sent me this email:

"Erin told me about Davis this morning!!! Is he ok?!"


As soon as I got home, I called his para-pro's cell. She going to hate that she ever called me from that phone. :) I emailed his teacher AND sent my my girlfriend who teaches 3rd grade a text asking her to check in on him. His teacher replied with this:

"He is doing great! I talked to him this morning and I told him that he would see you soon and he calmed down and got to work. I am so proud of him for working so hard every day. He is a great listener and a great role model in our class."

I love her. And my Wooder. Quirks and all.


Jennifer said...

Hahaha!! Awwww! I'm sorry It just broke my heart when she told me!!! Tomorrow 674 hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm glad he still had a good day after missing mama hugs. I bet he got lots when the day was done. Love Mrs. J, glad the kids have her!