Thursday, August 25, 2011


Day 4 of absences from school. That's right, folks. Davis has been sick, super-duper sick, all week. It started Monday morning with a disgusting cough. I digress...It actually ALL started about a week into school, but never really progressed into anything serious until Monday.

Back to said Monday.

I, being the great mother I am, still sent him to school thinking he could push through. Sounding out the letters of the alphabet and coloring inside the lines seemed way more important at the time. I get a call, about 15 minutes after arriving back home, from the nurse at Oak Grove informing me that Davis has just thrown up in class. Of course he has, right!?! Of course.

I, again being Supermom, didn't take him to the doctor until yesterday. I hate going there. It's a waste of time and germ exposure because they can't ever do anything for him. He gets this sinus, cough thing all the time and nothing cures it besides his inhaler. Turns out, this was something completely different, though. My first clue should have been all the vomiting. Second, the complete lack of food intake. Third, lethargy (I just spell check this and can't believe it's an actual word! Go me!). Fourth, the pain.

What's the verdict? Really bad, deep middle ear both ears. Something only antibiotics can cure. Woops. Fail for Momma.

Anyway, I'm hoping he's better by tomorrow. He's missing out on so much learning and bonding with his buds. And, more importantly for every member of this household, I'm losing my mind. If Momma's unhappy, the whole house is unhappy...all the way down to the dog. The throwing up is what's really killing me. I'm like, 'Seriously, child? Do me a solid and quit barfing all over my house.' On the brighter side, the house has never been cleaner...

Some more Debbie Downer moments...

  • A bug flew into my mouth while I was sitting at the pharmacy drive-thru. It took hours to get the taste out of my mouth.

  • I got pulled over on 92 for going 60 in a 45.

  • I dropped the butter dish and cut my foot on glass.

  • I've showered once since Monday.

  • I can't stop eating. Every time I walk by the kitchen. I've gained at least 7 pounds this week.


Danielle said...

Whoa!!! Sounds like a super shitty week. Sorry friend. Did you get a ticket or a warning? I’m assuming a ticket, since it made the Debbie Downer list?

Just remember to breath!! :)

Anonymous said...

You need a break, sista! I hope his ear infection clears up quickly, his friends at school are missing him! Riley told me that Mrs. Johnson said 'Davis has been sick and he'll be back real soon!'.

a.n. knits said...

D-with my rack? of course i didn't get a ticket. :)

L-thanks! i love their teacher!

Jennifer said...

Poor you!!!! At least you can play with us Saturday!!!

Stacy said...

Hope big D gets to feeling better - sounds like a rough week!

LOL'd at the bug and the butter dish situations! The bug sounds like something that would happen to me but the clumsiness is total Andrea. :)