Wednesday, August 26, 2009

News Worthy

Davis made an appearance on one of the Conductive Ed's Newsletter pages. Bottom left.

Justin and I spent our anniversary dinner at Kani Steakhouse...Mmmm, Mmmm. We had the entire place to ourselves. (I wish I could say that was tv style, but no.) So Justin was forced into chatting with the hibachi cook about concrete...the whole time we were there. "Sooo, how much it cost to build basement?" "Sooo, how much it cost to build...what that called you walk on? Oh yeah, sidewalk." "How thick concrete?" "Can I marry concrete?" Seriously, guy? Between I Love Concrete Knowledge Guy and us stuffing our faces with too much MSG, Justin and I didn't say a word to each other almost the entire time. It was still nice, though. Ignoring our sleepy eyes and way too stretched out stomachs, we met up with Brother for a beer afterwards.

Pur-dee flowers from the Husband

I took some video of Davis at aquatics yesterday. His therapist is moving Davis further and further up the ramp to really encourage walking. It's not graceful, but I'm sure he'll catch on before too long.


Anonymous said...

uuummm how much cost to bwuild house out of concwete? we use to go to this japanese place and asked for the same chef because he was really old and couldn't hear worth a crap so he didn't talk to you LOL.... Happy to both again and make more videos of Davis and post....he will get it...he is a smart smart boy...T

Stacy said...

Can't believe it's already been 2 years...Congratulations! You love each other vewy long time!

Danielle said...

It might just be my computer but there is no video :(

Andrea said...

bummer for you.