Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another ER Visit Under His Belt

How was everyone's Tuesday evening? Mine was splendid. We spent it in Kennestone's Emergency Room.

Now, let's back up...

Davis developed this nasty cough, snotty nose thing on Monday. I wanted to let it run its course and avoid antibiotics. Bad move, Momma. Late yesterday afternoon, I noticed that Davis was feeling warm so I removed his clothes. He was acting fine, but his breathing was labored and he was retracting. Then, the breathing turned into a low wheezing sound. Since we went through this last year and this time seemed much less severe, I took him to Kennestone instead of Scottish Rite. BAD MOVE, MOMMA. I knew better, too. First of all, at Scottish Rite, labored breathing and retracting coupled with Davis' history equals IMPORTANT. It equals GET HIM A ROOM NOW. It equals I CARE ABOUT YOUR SON'S WELL BEING. At Kennestone, it equals GET IN LINE. So, an hour and a half later, we get a room. The respiratory therapist was seriously fresh out of high school and didn't really know what he was doing. And I think I'm just Mrs. Expert since we've been through all this before. Due to his lack of experience, we had to pin my Davis down TWICE for breathing treatments.

I took him to the pediatrician this morning for a follow-up and he has an infection that's made its way into his chest area. The doctor put him on antibiotics to avoid pneumonia from the breathing treatments that we'll have to give Davis every 6 hours for the next 4 days. Nightmare. He'll sit still for shots, but not this! Oh! And he's expected to take 6 steroid pills tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Andrea I am so sorry to hear he is sick. and your not a Bad Momma...may be one of the best ones I have ever known...prayers to you guys for him to get better soon.
Love ya T

Stacy said...

Sheesh! Sorry to hear that happened - hope D gets to feeling better soon. Hugs!

Danielle said...

I'll bring booze over and make it all better! (for you - not Davis)

Unknown said...

Oh man! Kennestone ER is ridiculous. I think your arm has to be hanging off or something to garner any attention.

Hope he gets to feeling better ASAP!

a.n. knits said...

Yeah, there was this teenager in the waiting room with short term memory loss from a basketball related concussion and HE didn't even get rushed in. He kept asking his parents what happened over and over again. It was crazy.