Friday, January 6, 2012

The Aftermath

Things are slowly returning back to normal around here.  I'm still in shock that Doc's gone, though.  I'm really trying to will that feeling out of me.  I still walk into my room and expect to see him.  Still wait to hear him shake his head from across the house.  Still quickly wonder if Doc's gone potty before closing the garage at night.  I can't bring myself to wash his bed or Boogs' pig pillow pet that he spent his last few days laying on.  But, slowly, it's getting easier.  And that's reassuring.  I really apreciate the wonderful friends and family that have reached out to us this week.  And to those that haven' suck.  :)

Davis is having a hard time wrapping his 5 year old brain around Doc being gone.  He's been really putting our mind-boggling question answering skills to the test.  He mostly wants to know how he got in Heaven, what he looks like now, what part of the sky he's in,  what he's doing up there, etc.  And all the questions usually end with 'and Dadda better never cry like that again'.  Justin's a boo-hooer.  Big time. 

Boogs just randomly says 'Doc, Doc' with huge excitement and runs to our room to find him.  She's been carrying around a picture of him and 'hugs' it next to her face all the time. 

And, in true Nunley fasion, our sweet Doc, Doc is buried in the backyard and Justin made this really nice cross to put at the site.


Anonymous said...

Still thinking of you guys! The marker really turned out beautiful, I'm glad you guys were able to bury him on your property so you can always keep him close.


Jennifer said...

That's so sweet! I love y'all and sen prayers and kisses your way!!

Stacy said...

We're still thinking about you guys as well! Hugs and sugars. :)