Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Weekend of the Summer

Friday: We finally hung our frame collage on the stand-alone wall in the living room. We're donating the bookcase that used to be there to Brother and Elle, the new homeowners. :)

Step 1: Figure out layout. This took me FOREVER. I bought about 3x more frames than I needed, all of differing sizes, and finally came up with an acceptable arrangement.

Step 2: Arrange onto wall using paper cutouts of each frame. Why didn't you just move it all over an inch to miss the thermostat, you ask? "Well it's completely center on the wall this way and I'm a psycho about things being even on both sides", says the Libra.

Step 3: Hang frames. I might try to find a metal letter 'N' or something to put in that gap. And I know some of them look a teeny lopsided here, but I fixed all that after I took this pic.

The hardest part of all this was searching through my thousands of pictures and picking 17.

Saturday: We ran a bunch of 'prepare for kindergarten' supplies, lunch stuff, etc. Justin and Davis (and some buddies) went to watch the race cars at Dixie Speedway so Boogs and I could have a girls' night in.

Today: Besides the 2 hours that Justin and Davis went swimming at the Prices', we were so lazy today...lazy enough to watch Harry and the Hendersons. Yeah. I know.

Tomorrow's the big day! When I asked Davis what he wanted to do most tomorrow at kindergarten, he thought for a minute and said, "Ummm...stay with you and hug you." I. Love. My life. Hopefully he'll say that exact same thing when high school rolls around. :)


Elle said...

LOVE him!

He'll do GREAT!

Jennifer said...

:) sweet sweet Davis