Wednesday, April 20, 2011

IEP and Easter Egg Hunt

Davis' annual IEP meeting was this past Monday. If you aren't familiar with an IEP, it's basically an instruction manual (technical term) specific to each special needs child. His or her therapists, teachers, and parents sit around and decide on goals to set for the child in the upcoming year and special requirements needed to help him or her thrive in the school environment. I left the meeting feeling pretty good. IEP Meetings can be extremely stressful for parents. For me, it's another reminder that I have a kid that will always be 'different' and I will forever be a part of and exposed to this stuff. Stuff that I'd never know anything about without Davis. I'm better because of him. I'm smarter because of him. I'm lucky because of him. BUT...I stress about whether or not I advocated for him as well as I should have. Overall, I have so much more to think about than your every day, normal child's parent. Above sending my kid to a school with the newest equipment, the nicest classrooms, the best teachers, the highest academic scores, etc., I have to worry about whether or not he can physically get around and if his teacher is going to have a freakin' clue how to 'deal with' a special needs child. Thanks to his rights and mine as a parent, those 'kinks' will hopefully get worked out. If enforced properly, an IEP can be a wonderful program to have in place! It helps give kids like Davis the opportunity to excel and learn as much and as well as their 'normal developing' peers.

Now let's get really deep here...

Davis had his Easter Egg Hunt at school, today...

And one at G.G.'s on Sunday...


Danielle said...

So... what did they say in the IEP?

JBB said...

Don't ever forget that his IEP is a legal document and teachers MUST follow it. Always check in with Davis and make sure his accommodations are being met and fulfilled. The MDT is there for you and they are always open to hearing from you, so advocate, advocate, advocate. Make sure Davis is in his LRE and thriving. If possible, I still wanna come over and meet with you to learn about your perspective as a parent so it will help me as a teacher!! If you are open to it I would even love to see his IEP :)
Hope you are well!

a.n. knits said...

JBB...Thanks for the advice. I'm open to all of that! Come by whenever you can.