Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CECO Renovations

As the result of changes in building codes, CECO was almost shut down since it didn't meet the new requirements. A handful of local businesses and organizations stepped up to volunteer their time and man power and donate money (over $100,000) needed to knock down and expand the entire back side of the building, install exit doors in every classroom, lay down a sidewalk (yes, this special needs school didn't have a sidewalk!), and repave the parking lot. Yesterday was their first day back in the building and the place looks amazing now! For the first week of therapy, classes were temporarily held at a nearby church preschool.

I don't have any pictures to share of what it looked like before, but here are some post renovation shots...

These hallways, which lead to the classrooms, are now double their original widths...

The lobby is also double in size...


And the new sidewalk...
One of CECO's volunteers, who works for a local news station, filmed the 'after' portion of a documentary he's putting together to give this wonderful story some much deserved exposure.


jessica andres said...

Looks great! Lots of room to move around :)

JBB said...

For school, I went to three public buildings and reviewed them based on the 504 Barrier Checklist and I was amazed at how many public places, with public funding did not provide barrier free environments for people with disabilities!! But it is so wonderful that CECO finally got up to code for the wonderful children that need their services! So great! And Davis seems to be enjoying his time down there! Hope all is well!