Monday, February 21, 2011

Movie, Underwear, A Bond, Steps

On Thursday night, two girlfriends and I left our children home with the hubbys and enjoyed an evening of pedis and a movie. Just Go With It. Just go see it! Probably one of the top 5 funniest movies I've ever seen. Hilarious. Wanna see it again! AND!!! Dave Matthews is in it!

And here's what us Nunleys were up to all weekend...

I found this 'guaranteed to work' 3 day potty training program online and thought I'd give it a shot. It only cost $24 and seemed really credible. So, we set aside this past weekend to see if we could get this 4 and a half year old of ours potty trained.

The program requires you to set aside 3 consecutive days where you do nothing but stare at your child's lower half. Basically, you throw away all pull ups and diapers, focus on constant positive reinforcement and praise, and repeat the phrases 'Be sure to tell me when you need to go pee or poop, ok?' and 'Be sure to keep your underwear clean and dry, ok?' about 87,000 times a day (and night). That's right. I slept on D's floor for 3 nights and every time he moved, I had to repeat these mantras to him. You're never supposed to put the child on the potty to 'try' and go and you must catch EVERY single accident. You only put them on the potty when they tell you they need to go and during an accident. It was so unbelievably exhausting, but we were so dedicated to giving this 100% effort.

Justin took care of Reese all weekend so they're super tight now. And, I have to say, there's pretty much nothing cuter in the whole entire world.

"What did you just say to me?"

So, did it work???

It's Tuesday now and since we started this on Friday, Davis has only wet the bed once. And he hasn't had an accident since Sunday. He's not 100% there yet, but he'll never wear another pull up or diaper again! And that is a miracle!!!

OH! And my Underwear Wearing Son gave me a nice surprise yesterday when he said this, "Momma, my boo boo is all gone so I can walk now!"


Danielle said...

Umm, who are these friends!!?!?!?!?

Mandy Kirn said...

Go big D!!!!!

Melissa Witt said...

Yay Davis!! We did the 3 day potty training too! Madison still won't go poop on the potty but will go pee!! Glad to hear it's working for you! I still wake Madison up right before I go to bed so she doesn't pee the bed. That's our next step!!

a.n. knits said...

So it worked for you, too?!?! That's awesome! I wake Davis up right before I go to be, too!!! Thanks for reading!!!

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Go Davis!!

Elle said...

that anne comment was from me :)
