Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some drama with Davis' Aquatic Therapist...We show up at the pool at 2:30 sharp for 'Wimmin' and there's no therapist. Mmmm...weird. 2:40 rolls around (I'm already past the point of being pissed that she's late...that happened at 2:31) and I give her a little ring: "Hey, this is Andrea. It's 2:40 on Monday and we're up here at the pool. I hope everything's ok because I don't recall being told that we weren't meeting today. Please give me a call." Insert communication barrier here because this is what comes back my way, two hours later: A freaking text that reads: 'I'm so sorry. I thought I told you that I wasn't working this week because of Spring Break. I should have followed up. Please forgive me.' A TEXT!!! What a responsible way to conduct business! What's the deal? Does Spring Break translate into Verbal Communication hiatus? Nevermind the hour drive or the time I've wasted. But I had to drag Davis out of there, kicking and screaming, because his maturity level doesn't quite understand 'We gotta go because we got stood up'. FIRED!

This little boy (probably about 7 or 8 years old) approached Davis and I in the Kiddie Room at the gym tonight and asked this, "Is he paralyzed because the kids say he's paralyzed?" Instead of politely explaining to the curious child what paralyzed actually means and that it's just taking Davis a longer time to learn how to walk, I just look at him and say, "No. He's not paralyzed." And continue on my merry way...minus the merry...that kind of hurt. But I'll be better prepared next time. Maybe I should start carrying around CP pamphlets...that wouldn't freak little kids out at all... :)

Davis has a plastic t-ball set that, for some ignorant reason, used to be in the house. Well, it resides in the garage now because of some very lovely dents he's put in the wall. Every now and then you can catch Davis imagining that he's swinging the bat as he does the hand motions. Well, tonight he did it and I could actually see the wheels turning in his brain as he headed for his bedroom. This is what he came back with...

Makeshift balls and bat! He handed me the ducks and said, "Go Momma." So, I threw the duck balls (haha) and he swung the hat bat.


Danielle said...

Well, I am sorry the kid hurt your feelings! That has to be so hard. Unfortunately, you are going to need real thick skin…or just carry a baseball bat with you at all times! That should make the comments stop.

Stacy said...

I like the pamphlet idea...informative with a splash of passive agressive. :) On the real tip, I'm sorry that kid upset you too...