Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great News!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Davis stayed with my Dad, Pa, last night and they painted pumpkins together! Justin and I took him to a Halloween store this afternoon to get his costume and he was so scared of the masks and monsters everywhere! That-a boy! Be scared of scary things!!!

Now for the main event...This is BIG...No, it's HUGE...Hugely Huge!!! You ready for it?!?! DAVIS TOOK HIS FIRST REAL, LIVE STEPS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! He was going back and forth between Justin and the Ottoman and taking 2-3 steps each time. It was so exciting AND the best birthday gift ever!!!. We had our mouths wide open in shock the whole time. I started crying and wanted to call everyone I know, but didn't want to take my eyes off of this miracle!! Talk about answered prayers! I took video of it and will post it soon!


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!! What a great birthday surprise!

Stacy said...

Yay for Davis!!! That was an awesome b-day gift!