Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coincidence or Meant To Be?!?

So, I haven't heard back from Davis' doctor yet about the cord blood procedure, but I have been in contact with another mother whose son is going to be traveling to China (after raising the necessary $45,000) for it. I just so happened to find her story in the TowneLaker today. And guess what her son's name is...Yep, that's right...It's Davis! How crazy is that?!?
Because President Bush vetoed a bill for embryonic stem-cell research, this isn't something offered in America. That little boy that I referred to in my previous blog was able to receive treatment here because his own cord blood was used and it was 'study' related. So, if Davis was fortunate enough to undergo this procedure, cells would be extracted from a full-term baby's umbilical cord...not embryos...just so we're clear.
We need your prayers because this could be a live changing thing for our Davis! I feel it in my heart!

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