Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Alright, already!

A friend of mine keeps encouraging me to start blogging. Why? I think it's because she gets bored at work and wants something to read. But, I guess this will also be a good way to keep family members 'in the loop' about Big D. I just dropped him off at preschool. Today is 'Favorite Sports Team' Day. Check out who he wanted to support...

We'll just pretend it's basketball season. Davis has been enjoying preschool so much! The interaction and structure he gets from it is so beneficial to his development. His teachers are so amazing and willing to accommodate his special needs. My favorite part about the whole thing (ok...aside from the free time I get!!!) is the artwork he brings home for us. This is my personal favorite...

This is Davis' interpretation of our family! Justin always says that me and Davis are on the same wavelength because he laughs at all the silly stuff I do. And Davis must feel the same way. Dad is the 'normal' one while we sit around goofing off with our heads in our 'you know whats'!!
Well, that's all I've got for this entry. Hopefully, I'll stick with this whole blogging thing...We'll see!


Stacy said...

Hey there fellow blogger! You will definitely start to get into this once people start reading and following it...I can't wait to become a 'Davis Update' blog groupie myself!

And I can't believe how big Davis is...and his artwork is absolutely precious.

Anonymous said...

That was GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man!! You must be so proud.

Anonymous said...

Hey drea- i love this! i always think of things to ask and always forget when i talk to you. great idea. i cant believe how big he is. he looks awesome!!I Am so proud of him and you. the time out thing made me laugh! the poem made me cry- go figure- luv ya. look forward to reading more!crys