Ok...whoever coined the term "Terrible Twos" was putting the horrible phase mildly. All the fussing and whining and continuously doing things after we've told him not to about 6 times...I've HAD it! Anyone that knows me, can tell you that my patience is about as long as an eraser's...again...I've HAD it! People keep telling me that a toddler's lack of communication skills can be attributed to these outbursts. Ok, well Davis' vocabulary consists of about 15-20 words that only close family and friends can really understand. So, we cut him a little slack. But, 1,563 outbursts a day, really?? Where do we draw the line? Soooo...a while back, we introduced Time Out into our lives. I don't know how long it takes a normal developing child to understand that hanging out in Time Out is probably about as bad as the DMV, but for Davis it's been a long road. Just yesterday, Justin said to Davis, "Do you want to go to Time Out?" (That's the threat we use when he's in the middle of a fussing fit.) Davis' reply was, "Uh-huh." Seriously? You want to go to Time Out? It sucks in Time Out!!! This is just a small example of the challenges we face daily with Davis. I'm seriously considering hiring someone to potty train him.
On a positive note, he did very well in therapy today. He receives Occupational and Speech Therapy every Wednesday. His Occupational Therapist focuses on improving his fine motor skills...like feeding himself with a spoon, holding a crayon correctly, doing puzzles, etc. And Speech does the obvious. She also works on feeding therapy with him. I've been told that 'normal' two year olds don't eat much and their weight plateaus, well Davis takes the cake on that issue. He takes the cake, but he doesn't eat it. Since his first birthday (almost 16 months ago), Davis has gained a whopping 5 pounds. He has so many sensory issues with different food textures. It's very common with CP children. And his digestive system is slower than normal, so food sits in his stomach for a looooong time. Anyway...he fights with his Speech Therapist almost daily. I can hear him screaming from the waiting room about 100 yards away. All the other parents immediately look over at me as I hide my face behind my 'Good Housekeeping' Magazine. I feel so bad for her. BUT...today, he did very well!!! No fussing or whining!!! Wew hew!
P.S. I can't wait to have another one and do this all over again!!!!!
OH...Davis has a new talent...When you ask him how much he loves you, he spreads both of his arms out really wide! It pretty much melts me.