I've been on a knitting frenzy...(Thanks for the yarn, Stacy!)
His second quarter progress report was sent home today, also. Since the first quarter, he's improved in these areas:
-imitating block design
-navigating his classroom environment (walking instead of crawling)
-walking with peers from classroom to playground, etc
-participating with peers during ball activities with minimal assistance
-remaining on task during circle time for 20 minutes or more
-he went from 60 to 70% with producing age appropriate sounds in isolation
-he went from 50 to 60% with producing age appropriate sounds at the beginning of words
-he went from 60 to 70% with increasing his vocabulary to 100 words by identifying objects
-he went from 50 to 60% with increasing his vocabulary to 100 words by expressing objects
And needs improvement in these:
-imitating horizontal and vertical lines, circles, and crosses
-grasping a pencil
-using scissors
-toilet training...SHUT-UP!!!!
-walking on uneven, rough terrain
I'm so proud of my little man!
Love the gloves!!!! You are becoming quite the knitter! Happy to hear Davis is improving!
I am proud you your little man too. Also super proud of the awesome parents you and justin are. His success is due to the love and support from both of you..
Love T
I am proud of all you davis would not b where he is today without u guys , family and god. love u stephanie
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