Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"I Think I Heard Santa Come."

Our wonderful Christmas...

Baking Santa's cookies (and eating raw cookie dough)...

We always host Christmas Eve dinner at our house and change the food theme every year.  This time it was a homemade Chinese food feast.  I must say, Justin and I did a really great job!  The food was so yummy. 

I made place cards for everyone with their name written in Chinese...

We enjoyed lots of family fun and present opening...

I've never been a 'matchy-matchy' kind of Mom with my kids, but these pj's were a must have...

Once everyone left and we put the kids to bed, it was time to get the house ready for Santa's arrival.  We told Davis that he needed to come get us out of bed when he woke up in the morning and we'd all go see what Santa brought together.  About 15 minutes later, Justin and I were just 'hanging out around the Christmas tree' when we hear Davis' bedroom door open.  We panic, drop what's in our hands, and run to his room before he can get his toes over the threshold.  He says, "I think I heard Santa come."  It was the cutest thing ever.  He was so pumped.  We did a little damage control and reminded him of the whole 'He knows when you're awake' thing.  He understood and went to sleep.  For real, this time.

Fast forward to 7 a.m.

This little muffin worked her magic on Justin at around 2 in the morning and ended up in our bed...

And Davis couldn't wait to see what Santa left for him...

  She was shocked that Santa didn't finish his plate...

Wooder racked up this year.  Some of the bigger presents...

And tickets to Monster Jam...

Boogs got lots of books...

And her very own baby...

Justin and I didn't exchange gifts this year.  We're, instead, upgrading to a King-sized bed.  And, we're probably going to be forking out a ton of money on this fury, four-legged child of ours over the next couple months. (I'll save all that for another post, though.)

We did, however, really enjoy opening the gifts that Davis got us from the holiday store at school...

After showers and lots of coffee, it was time to hit the road for the rest of the day.  First up was Ellijay with the Nunleys.  We ate delicious homemade Chicago beef, watched Finding Nemo, and played Pictionary...

Miss Sass Uh Frass...

Next up, Pa's for steaks, Bloody Mary's, secret handshakes ("Bam.  Bam.  DIFFERENT!"), and pool...


Then home and bed. 

It was a wonderful holiday, as always.  Busy.  Stressful.  But wonderful.  Now I'm in 'get the house super, duper organized for 2012' mode.  I should also save that psycho stuff for another entry.

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