Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Braces

After therapy yesterday, Davis had an appointment with his Orthotist to get fitted for new SMO's. I mentioned that his PT for Suit Therapy thought he'd benefit better from the Sure Steps, as they allow more ankle movement. She called his regular PT about it and they all agreed to try it. Minimizing the support he gets from these braces forces his muscles to work harder to compensate, but they all think they'll work great for him.

These are SMO's. They cover the entire length of the foot and fit snuggly around the ankle.

This is a Sure Step. They only cover about half of the bottom of the foot. They're open in the back to allow more ankle movement, but still provide the stable base he needs. He, of course, picked the skateboard design.

We're steadly seeing improvements from therapy. He's definitely standing taller and walking with his feet less scissored. His range is increasing, meaning the therapist can stretch him further and further each day.


Danielle said...

Awesome, love to hear he is improving!

jessica andres said...

YEAH!! Go Davis! This is great...can't wait to see his progress!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news!