Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday Weekend and Suit Therapy Day 1

Pride for his country...

Friday night...The Varsity and Braves Game with some new friends of ours, the Greens.
First Naked Dog.

Saturday morning...Fourth of July Parade in Cartersville, also with the Greens.

Saturday night...Fireworks show in Woodstock with Eva and her family.
Justin and Eva
Wes and Davis
Sunday...Out on the lake with the Prices. Afterwards, we headed over to Justin's aunt and uncle's house for their annual 4th cookout, which always involves extremely competitive volleyball, Polish beer, horseshoes, and great company. They own about 10 dogs and one of them had a litter of 8 puppies on Saturday, so Davis got to pet and love on one. It was the cutest thing in the world.

Day One of Suit Therapy...Davis' physical therapist seems really great so far. She's super enthusiastic and motivating. She worked on muscle building exercises and did a wonderful job of keeping him interested and engaged for 3 hours. She seems really hopeful that we'll see a lot of improvement with his balance, gait, and leg scissoring. Starting tomorrow, he'll also be receiving an hour of Occupational Therapy to work on his fine motor skills. I feel bad that he's going to be working so hard for the next 3 weeks, but he enjoyed it so much.


Danielle said...

That body suit is totally not what I was picturing. How long does it take to strap him into it?

jessica andres said...

How wonderful! You and Justin have been the BEST parents to him and he is so lucky to have you care so much! I can't wait to see how he's progressing :)