Monday, May 3, 2010

Productive Family Weekend

Since our schedule's are about to get super crazy for the next 2 months, we dedicated this weekend to each other and knocked a few things off of our honeydew list...

Saturday: T-ball, donated a ton of Davis' clothes, cleaned out the garage, gave Doc a bath, started preparing the nursery for painting (took the bed apart, taped everything off, etc)...

Davis found some fun things in one of the boxes...

On Saturday night, we went to the Shrine Circus and Carnival in Marietta.

Davis LOVES roller coasters, but I seriously thought this race track one was going to hurl him across the world. It went so fast around the turns.

Dadda and Davis riding the ferris wheel. This, also, terrified me...
On Sunday, we took Davis to the park and had an outdoor lunch, did some more house cleaning, and purged more of Davis' old stuff. Then, we had dinner at G.G. and Jay's house.

Davis' annual IEP Meeting was this morning. Another overwhelming experience. We basically reviewed all of his strengths and weaknesses, goals for the next school year, concerns, etc. But we also talked about his school schedule for next'll be attending pre-k from 7:45 am to 2:30 pm, 5 days a week! He'll be in a classroom with 17 other students, only 3 of which will have 'mild special needs' of some form. There will be 4 teachers in the room at all times - a normal education teacher, a special education teacher, and 2 para-professionals. He'll eat breakfast and lunch there AND take a nap! I almost fell out of my chair and started crying when I thought about him being gone that long everyday. BUT I know this is what he needs in order to prepare him for kindergarten, so I have to push my selfishness aside. It's actually going to be a really positive experience, I think. He was selected by his current teacher to be in this program and there's only a few slots available for special needs children to be in these 'normal' classes.


Danielle said...

You didn't tell me that great news about Davis!! That is awesome.

Unknown said...

Oh how wonderful! It will be so beneficial. I can't wait to hear about the progress he makes!