Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TV Debut

Aaron's donated 22 32" flat screen tv's to the Ronald McDonald House this morning. So, every bedroom will have its own tv. I, for whatever reason, was asked to be interviewed about this wonderful contribution by Fox 35 News. Wow. The news anchor asked me why my son and I were here (he asked my permission first), what the House means to us, and what the new addition to the bedrooms would do to improve everyone's stay. Everything was going great until Davis started grabbing the microphone attached to my shirt. "Ok, let's start over." Nooooo....I felt so good about that take! The second go at it went well, too. I guess. And the third and fourth and 37th. Just kidding. Only twice.

It airs tonight at 5. Again at 10 pm. And once more in the morning. No one watches the news anymore, right?!?!?

And, for participating, the House manager gave us 3 Sea World tickets! Wew Hew!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

They picked you because of your stunning good looks, duh!