Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yesterday, Davis had his annual check-up with the eye doctor. It's been recommended that he be followed annually until he's four years old due to the length of time he was receiving oxygen, both from a ventilator and nasal cannula, in the NICU and because he developed Retinopathy of Prematurity as a result of it. His vision, in spite of all that, is AWESOME! He definitely inherited his dad's eyesight...thank GOD!

Also, by fate, Justin ran into this young couple at Hobgood the other night. What made him stop and chat? Their four year old boy was wearing the exact same camouflage AFO's (leg braces) as Davis. Turns out, I've met the mother at Aquatics before. Her son, who has Cerebral Palsy and started walking on his 3rd birthday, is involved in this very intensive therapy program called Conductive Education in Orlando. His mother told me that, after treatments, her son would reach milestones with his development almost immediately. So, being Proactive Pete, I contacted them yesterday, filled out the Assessment Form, and filmed Davis showing his abilities...walking with the walker, talking, pulling to stand, etc. I have to mail in the video, wait for the Coordinator to contact me, and hopefully have the opportunity to participate. It would require us to stay in Orlando for either one or two weeks at a time. I'll keep you posted!


Stacy said...

That sounds like such a great program...development and Disney!

a.n. knits said...

my thoughts exactly!

Danielle said...

I agree the program sounds awesome!!! Good Luck.