Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Look Both Ways. Like, Five Times.

Davis walked right in front of traffic a car driving about 10 mph in the parking garage today.

Me: “Davis, you don’t EVER walk out into the street without Momma.”

Davis: “Right. Or Spiderman.”

I wasn’t sure how to explain to him that if a man is out in public dressed up like ‘Spiderman’ and tries to ‘walk him across the street’ (or ‘show him the puppy he has hiding in his van’ or ‘give him some candy’), chances are he can also be found on Georgia’s Sex Offender Registry and he should scream until someone comes to his rescue. So I just said, “Nope. Only Momma. Or Mustacheman. He’s the REAL superhero, anyway.”

This is the kind of thing that scares the urine out of me with him. He doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings like he should. He has this whole ‘go first, think later’ mentality. And, with his balance being so unreliable, he has more potential than other 5 year olds to get seriously hurt. I can speak from experience since I can barely take 6 steps without tripping, banging into something, or dropping whatever’s in my hand.

We’re working on it, though. Today, in class, the conductor made him do a lot of balancing exercises and walk through obstacle courses that challenge him to actually think about and pay attention to each step he took.


Elle said...

On a sidenote... Is the mustacheio staying forever?

Danielle said...

I am with Elle...let's put money on it and make it interesting!