Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kickin' It And Snuggling And Gettin' My Knit Fix

The whole family got some new kicks...

Davis--They're lightweight and really wide...exactly what he needs. AND only cost $20.

Boogs--$12 Sperry's at Marshall's. Buy the display, save the dolla' bills, y'all. They're a size 7, so she'll look super cute walking around with these in 2013. But, like I told Justin, "They're $12. Put them back in the cart."
Dadda--LOVE these! There's nothing like a boy (without a mustache*) in brand new tennies. Mmm, mmm, mmm...

*And, for those of you who were trying to guess when the 'stache would be put to rest, it happened on Monday, July 18, 2011...One of the Top 10 Happiest Days of my Life.

Me--These were a bit pricey, but I never, ever buy shoes for myself. I hate shoes, actually. I want to live in a world where everyone walks around barefoot. And I got the ones with pink where the blue is shown.

Justin and I watched Insidious on Friday night, after we got home from Orlando. I was really looking forward to cuddling up (boyfried/girlfriend style) and getting super scared, but the movie turned out to be pretty ruh-donkey. Rating: Fail. It had some creepy parts (A possessed kid. 'Nuf said.), but I thought they could've done so much more with the storyline. The ending definitely let you know there's about 8 more to come.

Today, I met Stobbe at the Whole Nine Yarns for their Christmas In July event. The owner of that place is making a KILLING. There are so many dang yarn lovers around here. We walked away with a stack of free patterns and bought a super cute baby sweater one. I really love that I have a pal to knit with.


Jennifer said...

I LOVE yalls shoes!! It's ok Blake's dad bought Jack a pair of boots size 8 when he was 6 months old.... He will wear them when's he's 12.

Danielle said...

Love the shoes too!

I want to see some knitting pictures! What are your working on, hopefully something for me!?!?!

Miss you friend. :)

Melissa said...

I wish you would have told me about the sale! I would have totally gone. Are they still having it?

JBB said...

I love D's shoes, Cade wears the exact same ones! nice pick mom!