Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reese's Wrath

My daughter is a maniac...

This morning, she took Davis' night light out of the socket and smashed the bulb into a million little pieces WITH HER TEETH.  She came prancing into the living room, chewing on glass.

This evening, while the boys were playing down the street, I ran downstairs to check work messages and get a fax.  I was down there for about 90 seconds.  I come back upstairs to find Reese standing in the living room, completely naked.  Not sure, yet, if she peed anywhere.

Her favorite, most clearly pronounced word is 'MINE'.

She recently clobbered Davis over the head twice with a wooden toy sword, leaving welts.

She, on the reg, flips her plate of food onto the floor.  On purpose. 

She dances on the coffee table.

She prefers my kitchen and armoire cabinet contents over her toys.

She stuffs DVDs into any crevice she can find.

She never leaves my side at home - completely attached to me at the thigh.  But, as soon as we're out in public, she runs for the hills.  She needs a leash.  Seriously.

BUT...she gives me the best sugars I've. Ever. Had.  And I could watch her twirl around on her tippy toes for days.


Danielle said...

Such a cute post...and sooo happy to see something new! I love this little peek into your life. :)

Stacy said...

LOL - while chewing glass is somewhat dangerous (from what I'm told), it makes me laugh out loud to envision her doing this! And the standing in the living room naked - LOL - hilarious! Such a full-of-personality little handful!

Jennie McCollum said...

OMG - hysterical. I think our daughters are soul sisters...T is a wreck also! This post gives me comfort that my daughter is somewhat normal for a girl! I love your catalog of her craziness!!!