Friday, February 10, 2012


We really wanted to try 'normal' baseball league with Davis and were extremely nervous about how it was going to go.  He had his first practice on Tuesday night and it went really well.  The coaches are awesome.  They seemed really interested in learning about Davis' disability and let us know that they planned on treating him the same way they treat the rest of the boys.  Some of the kids asked why he ran the way he did and one of the coaches quickly put an end to the questioning.  He told us that he didn't want to leave any opportunity to put Davis on the spot and make him explain himself. 

Once I left practice, I had a big fear.  It wasn't that Davis can't run to first base as fast as the rest of the kids or that he can't throw, catch, or hit the ball as well as them.  It was that the other parents and the coaches might wonder why we would put Davis in this league.  And this came solely from my own insecurities. 

One of Justin's concrete sales reps works for one of the coaches and when Justin called him about it, he had really comforting things to say.  The coach told his employee that he was so pumped to have Davis on his team - that he felt like he was put on his team 'for a reason'.  He said he went home and told his wife that he wished the other boys had half the heart that Davis has for the game.  He thinks Davis is going to change people and really be a blessing for the whole league.  How about them apples?!?!  

I'll probably go through his entire life bearing the burden of fears like these.  And that's ok.  I know that Justin and I are doing the right thing.  And we'll never keep him from experiencing the stuff boys should experience just because of his Cerebral Palsy.  It's better to throw him out into the world, rather than hide him from it because he's a special boy and has a huge purpose! 

Now, I'm confident in knowing that he has a right to be there and I look forward to the rest of the season! 


Lindsey R. :: LRstitched said...

Sounds like he is definitely in the right place, what a great coach! I bet he's having a blast!

Jennifer said...

I love y'all and sweet Davis!!!! You guys are the best parents any kid could ask for! Let me know when his games are me and Jack will come cheer him on!!!

Danielle said...

I want to come to a game!

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, this just made me cry. But happy tears. Love that little guy:). Cheryl <3