Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Zee Double-O

On a whim, we hit up the Atlanta Zoo today.

The first thing you see when you walk in...

We were nervous because Davis was TERRIFIED of the flamingos at Sea World, but he was cool with these light pink, non-threatening guys.

The birds were so pretty. Especially the teal ones and the white ones. There were some 'hoodlums' trying to grab them while we were in the cage so they put on quite a fun 'flying all around' show for us.

The wart hogs were the one thing Davis didn't want any part of.  Can you blame him?  Look at this train wreck of an animal...

I was bummed that we never got a really good look at the elephants.

This was just too funny not to share...

Probably my favorite animal of the day.  They're so HUGE and pretty.

These are the scariest things on the planet.  I felt like, at any moment, they were going to get crazy enough to break the glass separating us and claw my face off.

It's fascinating to watch gorillas.  They, seriously, have so many of the same mannerisms as we do.  Here, the mom just sat back while her two kids wrestled with each other.  It reminded me of Davis and Reese playing in the living room.  At one point, the baby almost fell off the rock and she instinctively reached down and grabbed it before it hit the ground. 

These boys were mad at each other.  Probably the most action we saw all day. 

Holy tongue.

Sleeping panda.

And sleeping kangaroo.

Yucky aligator.

Time to go home!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Zee Double-O - So clever! Looks like y’all had a good time. So Davis didn’t mind the smell? That is awesome.