Thursday, September 17, 2009


In doing some research about the Swine Flu, I've come across some frightening news...
Almost two-thirds of the children who died with swine flu had epilepsy, cerebral palsy or other neurodevelopmental conditions.
...And those with underlying health problems, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and neurodevelopmental disorders, are at the highest risk and should be among the first to be vaccinated against the new virus, according to the report in the Centers for Disease Control...
One high-risk condition particularly hits children hard: All six Arizona children, ages 18 and younger, who have died of swine flu had cerebral palsy, which refers to disorders that permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination.
Georgia is one of two states - along with Alaska - reporting widespread flu activity. And a new CDC report indicates children are being particularly hard-hit by the H1N1 bug...While nearly 70% of those children had at least one "high-risk" medical condition -- that increased their risk of complications. The most common conditions were developmental delay, epilepsy and cerebral palsy.
Ummm...Holy Scared. When all the talk about this 'epidemic' began, I was skeptical about its actual severity (drug company conspiracy) and thought the CDC was being overly dramatic. And, already being sort of wary of vaccinations, I was especially against injecting Davis with something so new, not knowing what side effects it could cause. But NOW...Which is worse? A vaccine (or vaccines???) that's been rushed into production with limited testing? Or the risk of Davis contracting the virus? I know one thing...I'll be stocking up on hand sanitizer and you can bet I'll be psycho about it until I make a decision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make sure his school is taking extra extra precautions and having parents keep children at home that are showing any symptoms. that is what scares me, the schools. Mallory said Half of her school has been sick and some even sent home.
I want a t-shirt with the I heart someone on it..