Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Year Post-Op

Wow!  It's been a whole year since the Rhizotomy.  Definitely the best, best, best decision we could have ever made for our little Wooder.  It did, however, take many, many months of stress, no progress, and a lot of 'what have we done?' before we knew that we made the right decision.  Now, I advocate for this procedure.  I'm always eager to share my experience with SDR when meeting a new CP parent.  That surgery changed the course of his life and here's the proof...

Boo-boo before...

Boo-boo after (the gash to the left is from falling off his stool while brushing his teeth the other night...he gets his clumsiness honestly)...

Running before...
Walking one year after...


Anonymous said...

Amazing improvement! I love him at the end, bye?

jessica andres said...

What a studmuffin! :)

Stacy said...

Wow - what a huge improvement! Amazing.

Bye? ha!