Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, My Big Boogs!

Today, our big girl turns one!  I can't believe how fast time is flying.  I can vividly remember this day, one year ago.  I remember feeling so much overwhelming joy and love.  I hope to never lose that memory.  To have this perfect, healthy baby in our arms was something we longed for, more than words can express. 

Boogs, you've completed our family (You hear that, friends?  COMPLETED!) and filled our hearts to the tippy top.  I love...your sweet, sweet smile...the bond you and your big brother already share...how content and happy you are...it when you bury your face next to mine when you're tired or being shy...how much you and your Dadda love each other...your dance moves...how you'll eat ANYTHING...playing dress-up with you...how you HATE playing dress-up with me...how you pull on your eyelashes while I rock you before bed...your big ol' belly...how you discover a new screeching sound and repeat it over and over again.  Every single thing about you is perfect to me. 

And I can't wait to see how the coming years shape and mold you. 

Happy Birthday, Reese!!! 


Danielle said...

¡feliz cumpleaños!

JBB said...

I remember seeing you at the hospital....the room radiated with happiness and love! I have never seen you so beautiful and in love with such a sweet, baby girl! What a special day for the Nunley family!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday Reese!!

Jennie McCollum said...

Happy Birthday to cutie Reese!

Stacy said...

Awww - happy birthday sweet little Reese!!