Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Day Down, 13 Years To Go

Davis' first day of kindergarten went well. The teacher said he had a really great day...BUUUUUUT...

Special Ed Teacher: "He had a little accident on the playground. That's why he's in his change of clothes."

Davis: "No. It was the green tunnel. It was all wet. Really, really wet. Like, this big wet."

SE Teacher ('it's ok that you had an accident' look on her face): "It's ok, Davis. We're going to keep working on reminding him to tell us when he needs to go."

Me (in the car, driving away): "Davis. Ugh. Why did you pee in your underwear at school? Why didn't you tell your teacher to take you to the potty?"

Davis: "I didn't peed in my underwear."

So, I start digging through his backpack to investigate and find that his shorts and underwear are, in fact, just wet with water. No pee smell. Just water.

What a way to start elementary school! And it's not a big deal at all, but after the horrible experience I had with his dumbass teacher last year (I love being able to say that out loud now!), I made a promise to always speak up for him. There was a note in his folder from his para-pro letting me know about the accident and, under it, I replied, "It was actually just water, but I really appreciate the note."

He had a great day, though. He said he did hard work and fun work and went down the slide behind the pretty girl.


Nicole said...

I literally was laughing out loud while reading this to Chris. Sweet Davis! I can't believe that they didn't believe him when told them it was just water! I would have been upset about that, too. I'm glad you sent the note back to the para-pro! Good job, momma!
He looked so cute and excited! I'm glad I have 2 more years before going through this! I'm already having separation anxiety just thinking about it!

jessica andres said...

Awww way to go Davis! He is getting way too big and grown-up looking, geez! Glad he had a good first day!