Monday, March 22, 2010

Challenger Baseball started back up this weekend! Davis woke up, bright and early, on Saturday morning asking, "Where is my glove and baseball bat?" The 'buddies' for the game were members of Etowah's Football Team. It was so sweet of them to give up their Saturday morning to come out and play with these kids.
He's really displaying the 'I'll cut their throats' gesture.
These are the moments that make being a parent the BEST experience in the world! I was so proud of him!

Now I'm sleepy.

On Saturday night, we had a family dinner (plus Dan-yuh) on Kayson's patio. Davis captured the evening with some photos...


Danielle said...
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Danielle said...

So, I deleted my 1st comment b/c I never proof read! What I wanted to say was…

Davis rocks and I can’t wait to meet his little bro/sis!

Unknown said...

So cute! These moments really are the best.