Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Will Not Eat Them On A Boat

Davis' physical therapist and orthotist decided that he needs the help from braces since he's starting to revert back to his old ways of walking. Simply because he's still so weak. Hopefully the trip we're taking to Orlando (in 5 days!!!) for Conductive Ed will make him strong. Like bull. Hopefully...

Homework assignment: Read Dr. Suess' Green Eggs and Ham. Play tic-tac-toe. Get really pissed when you can't grasp the concepts 'get three in a row' and 'block your opponent from doing so' causing you to lose every time.

Davis at therapy with Ms. Carrie...

Baby Sister committing a serious crime...

"Listen, Baby Sister. The phone is your toy and the monster truck is my toy. Don't forget it."

All better...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Random

Davis is starting his third week back to school since his surgery and has been sick almost the entire time. Don't be jealous of his super weak immune system.

Hope everyone had a fun St. Patty's day. I was able to escape my circus of a house and meet up with friends for some green beer and good times. Love my best besties.

We booked our Conductive Ed trip in Orlando for April 4-15. I'm so excited and hopeful that it'll help speed up the 'get Davis strong' process.

We celebrated Uncle Ethan and Auntie Pete's 18th and 16th birthdays over the weekend. You seriously won't ever find 2 better behaving, more well-rounded kids ever. Period.

Davis loooooves his PaPow...

And I love my camera...

Davis fishing for the first time...

My wooder and boogs...
Might send this into Nike...
Boogs and Doc Doc...

Johnny's Hideaway...If you've never been, you're soooo missing out.

That's all. Peace.

Friday, March 18, 2011

9 Weeks Post-Op

He's doing so good!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Puppies, Paint, Pre-K

Justin had family in town (his brother and cousin) a couple weekends ago, so we hung out at Aunt Patsy and Uncle Al's. As always, we ate delicious food and laughed A LOT. And Davis got to hold a 2 week old puppy from their golden retrievers' recent litter...

Enjoying the beautiful weather with pal, Eva...
...and her baby sister, Elin...

We also painted Davis' room! We finally said 'good-bye' to the baby blue and welcomed the much more awesomer (risky and adventureous...right, Danielle?!?!), grown-up gray. I'll post pics soon.

Davis' first week back to school went really well! He was so excited to see his friends and teachers. We made a picture flipbook for him to share with everyone and help explain where he's been and what he's been doing for all these weeks. It gotta be really strange to 4 and 5 year olds when one of their classmates disappears for 2 months and returns in a wheelchair.

And, now, I leave you with these...
There's NO denying Dadda here!