Monday, December 29, 2008

Post Holiday Calm

Forgive me readers, for I have sinned. It's been almost 4 weeks since my last entry. SORRY!

I hope that everyone had a wonderfuly Christmas! Ours was great. Davis finally understands the concept of opening presents, so that was exciting. He got lots of new 'big boy' toys!!

Justin made him this train table

This was at his Preschool's Christmas part
There's not much else new to report. He's just getting over another sinus infection, of course. All of his therapies are going great. He's been talking so much more lately. We drove around at night to look at Christmas lights and Davis would shout, "Pey Yighs!" Translation: Pretty Lights!
We visited a church that had a preacher named David Ring speak a couple weeks ago. He also has Cerebral Palsy and travels all over the country to share his story. His success and positive spirit are so inspirational to me as Davis' mother. I sat there and cried THE ENTIRE TIME. I felt like he was talking directly to me. At the end of the service, I thanked him for sharing his story and he said to me, "Do you have a kid with CP?" And I said, "Yes." He was like, "I thought so because I saw you crying the whole time!" I KNEW he was staring at me!
See you all in 2009!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the little guy really hit it big for Christmas this year!